Bahumukhi Manab Kalyan Sangstha is working to transform the ultra-poor and underprivileged operational population of the country into skilled manpower by providing them various technical trades training. In continuation of this, currently “Development of Socio-Economic Condition of Miserable, Widow, and Husband Abandoned & Extreme Poor People by Employment Work Training” Project is ongoing under the joint initiative of Department of Social Services and Bahumukhi Manab Kalyan Sangstha. In this project, “Computer Office Application” training is being conducted in 23 upazilas under 5 districts of the south-eastern region of the country.
Bahumukhi Manab Kalyan Sangstha ensures the participation of operational unemployed poor men and women in the development activities of the country to alleviate poverty by providing them intensive training on “Driving Cum Auto Mechanics” trade. Department of Social Services and Bahumukhi Manab Kalyan Sangstha jointly operating this Training Program under the “ Development of Socio-Economic Condition of Miserable, Widow, Husband Abandoned & Extreme Poor People by Employment Work Training” project. The underprivileged poor people of 23 upozilas of 5 districts in the southwestern region of the country will get this opportunity.